Education without humanity

31 مارس 2022
Education without humanity

Rasha Abuzaid

Education in Jordan is one of the most important pillars of the state. It is one of the most important basic factors on which any state is based. From here comes the question: Is education in Jordan good to be strong?
Methods used in education in Jordan:
The teacher who neglects the Ministry of Education to enhance his position and skills to become a good role model for students, teaches students cultural information, or teaches them in the sense that he crushes and erases them by following tyrannical regimes and forgets his primary role is not only teaching curricula but creating creativity in students

Exams: the system of indoctrination, not understanding and analysis. It is concerned only with the number of words and pages that the student can memorize, as if we made of our students only copying machines, and away from the curriculum that the student is accustomed to, and here the problem returns to the teacher, as he prepared the student in a certain style and surprised him with a different method in the exam Example: In the class, the student is taught to collect the letters in the word (O ,R,A,N,G,E) he comes to the exam of course the student did not expect such questions ,Because you didn’t teach him to understand the question and the many ways to solve it, but to memorize the answer, this is the problem of the lack of good qualification for the teacher and the student alike.

Curricula: There is no doubt that our curricula are not based on critical and creative thinking, but on memorization and remembrance, in addition to some of the issues and concepts presented by the curricula that sow the seeds of violence, extremism hatred and rejection of the other, which was confirmed by experts specialized in curricula affairs. The chicken way of eating teaches us by clicking on the student’s brain with information so that we make sure he memorizes it, rather than asking questions that make him search and read to find answers..
“Knowledge is not what is memorized, but knowledge is what is useful.”

We are certain here that most of the failures in education were the result of the failure of the curricula in the presence of indoctrination curricula that sow extremism, hatred, rejection of the other, and the absence of beauty (music, art, ..). Creative criticism and the rigidity of the dependency mentality that increase the levels of extremism and terrorism in society.

Here, the Brazilian philosopher Paulo Freire (a Brazilian teacher with highly influential theories in the field of education) mentioned in his book Education of the Heart that education is not neutral. Either it is education for freedom or education for enslavement, and the educational curriculum in our Arab schools is “initiative education”, and this is a style of education based on teaching oppression far from the method of dialogue between the teacher and the learner.

There is no conclusion to a topic like this. We are faced with two options, either dependency and collapse or renewal and survival. We want a real change in the curricula and the educational system, not new covers for old books. The state system is based on justice and education. If the justice system is corrupted and education collapses, the state will fall.
We must create the student, the human being first, the citizen second, and any ideology he chooses to come third.